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Monday, November 19, 2007

Pleasure and pain

Been playing Delores since Thursday night. Well. Almost. Third Thursday session at Tibenham Greyhound. Good fun friends. Her name is Rio and she dances - bluegrass style.

Long, soon over, night of gambling at a friend of Jen's to raise money for Children in Need on Friday. Roulette, blackjack, Escelado - wind those horses! - and countless rounds of "Chase the Ace" on a board borrowed from Shelfanger Fete.

Sharp frosty early morning carting chilled steel rusty scrap for a handful of sheckles before slapping some skiffle with Kiwi Pete on Saturday night, John banjo-ing, fingers sweating, blisters forming, Jenny driving and suffering to stay awake...

Home to a dead sleep bed, up seconds later, and back to Norwich with a bus full of kids. Shopping in the penny and pound cheapskate heaven of Anglia Square. Greasy spoon lunch for seven.
Running across town to a second session of skiffle at the Shed. Blisters wrapped in gaffa tape to numb the pain. Aspall cider and a bowl of olives, jalepenos, and cheese certainly helped too!

Feeling burnt out and beautiful...

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