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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wedding of a lifetime.

When I heard about it I thought - lovely. When the invite was pegged to the kitchen wall I thought - this is the don't miss event of the year. Probably decade...

A rodeo weekend of camping, eating, drinking, dancing, and all round superbly faultless loveliness.

I'll sum it up in two photos.
Happy couple leaving the wedding...

Just married

The groom being greeted by one of the guests...

Pleased to meet you

Friday, July 09, 2010

Lives Lived. Part deux.

Wedding anniversary a couple of days ago.
Blip. Ever had that moment that gets you down and nothing shakes it?
Thankfully being surrounded by lovely people is a sure fire way to turn that blip into a bubble. Guided home by Mark on a flit across the dusty, hazy lanes; flathead coupe full of warm oil vapours. Ticking leads, random misses, slipping clutch. Home into fading light with more friends and home-made cider.

Wrote a bit of a poem a while ago. Lives lived. One wonderful Ian went for a wander and came back with a tune in his head. Worked it up in the studio Tuesday, adding a spot of double bass, and wore it like a hat inside through Wednesday. Fitted fine.