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Friday, July 11, 2008

Never felt more like singing the blues...

I love the Blues. I guess some people don't get "it". I don't necessarily, but hey, it matters not. I still love the Blues. From hick blues songs of Billy Wallace and the Bamba Drifters to the world weariness of delta bluesmen like Frank Frost. The Rythym & Blues that begat Soul. No, not R n' bloody B - what next?! Calling Green Day a punk band?! Jeessh.

Anyway. The Blues. Sad songs about heartbreak, loneliness, hardship. Beautiful songs of woe. Works for me. No matter what life offers up, no money fixes it like a blues song. Listening to someone else's troubles that are worse than your own - lifts my spirits!

Old cartoon stuck in my head. Wealthy looking singer, alone on a stool in the recording studio - "I've got the so much money, I don't know what to do with it Blues..."

That. And Screaming Jay Hawkins "Constipation Blues". Real pain...

Soul gladdened.

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