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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

See icy seaside air beside the seaside. See?

Last day of the Easter holidays - house full of kids. Load 'em up, off to the beach for the afternoon. Through sunshine and wind and rain and hail and arrive. Sunshine again! Girls make a dumpy mermaid out of sand, marron grass hair, mismatched pebble eyes. I wouldn't crash my boat onto the rocks for her. Boys climbing on the rock sea defences. Sea out - perfect for mindless stone skimming. Robert has improved his throwing skills since last year...

Kites up. Kites down.

All hail the hail. Beaten into the arcade clutching pots of copper coins. Visit my madman on the cliff edge for a cuppa. Looking out to sea. A smile for Katie.

Miss ya hun.

Shoulders shrugged and so to home. Bus filled, back through every weather, to sunshine home, fire lit, chilli by the gallon. And rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss them days out, just simple cheap fun, weather doesn't matter, nothing like a good ole gulp of sea air. :)