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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Questions, questions...midlife questions.

With everything else that happened last year - well, I just never found the time to work out any answers to these questions. Well, Christmas is only 50 weeks away - perhaps I'll put them in a cracker. Tried to find the time to have a mid-life crisis. Uh-uh. Already had the motorcycle, didn't want to take off round the world. Well. I did; we did, - but Kate wasn't up to it. We were content with a wet Whitsun week in a caravan in Scratby.

So - here goes, and just don't expect any answers to any of these anytime soon.

What am I passionate about?
What do I most enjoy doing?
What have I always wanted to try but never gotten around to?
How do I want to spend my time?
In what sort of environment do I enjoy living?
What kind of people do I like having around me?
What kinds of hobbies do I enjoy?
How far do I want to take them?
Are there any that I would want to do constantly for a period of time?
What are the attributes that define me?

And - just what is it I'm good at?

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