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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year resolution.

Woke up this morning - hey, it's happened before - and decided.
Didn't make a New Years resolution. Like to wait until the rush is over, and you want to get a good one? No?

Made one a few years ago. Do something different every day. Anything. Just a little something.
After a few months I felt a little out of control.
Woke up in a tent pitched between two cars on a garage forecourt with the police going through my bags....

Now I've been special before. Had a sign behind me at work said so. "I'm Special" it said.
And I've been lovely too.
And I've felt gorgeous in the past too.

But. This year? I've decided. I'm going to actually be gorgeous.

Oh, I know what you're thinking. Well..... Hah! You'll see.

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