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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lists and spreadsheets

In an attempt to focus - in what felt like the first time ever, I started a list last summer. And inspired by a dear, don't know where she is at the moment, friend it contained both the mundane, easy to do stuff (plus the stuff I'd already sorted so I could start off with a couple of ticks!) and some more involved things like fixing the felt under the tiles and tidying the landing at the top of the stairs...

The landing is still a mess. The birds still fly in and out of the attic unhindered. Breathe in and out were on there though. Managed that all year. Time to start that list again.

More successful was my summer "help me out I have no idea who can look after the kids and where can they go whilst I'm at work" spreadsheet cum calendar.

That and my "what do they actually eat" spreadsheet where I gradually added enough new and interesting things to their suddenly vegetarian diet, to make the whole thing practically redundant.

Well - summer holidays start tomorrow. I can feel the panic rising. As are the carrots, potatoes, beans and tomatoes.

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