Well - been spending as many hours as I can squeeze in the garage working on the Fordor. Hour or so each night after the kids are in bed. Down to the little bits and bobs, getting it ready for an MOT.
And it shouldn't, because it's just a hunk of ancient metal, but it's getting me down now. The therapy part of it has worn too thin. It's been replaced by a desperation. I've now set myself the target of getting it on the road to drive down to Wheels Day. First one day event of the year in Surrey, good day to meet up with old friends.
Ridiculous. That's less than four weeks away. Old time friend, Bob - the "Nervous" Bob - currently has the back axle in pieces and promised it back, well to be honest, I can't remember when. Which means it's no longer mobile and I can't finish up the roof, pressed into the garage rafters as it is...
Ran out of little jobs to do on it now - nothing left to do tomorrow. Except panic.
Just want this done now, so we can all get out and spend some time together this summer. Me, and my kids. Jenny and her kids. Clocking up some happy, no particular direction, miles in the scruffy old Cee-dan.
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